
Heading to the garden yesterday afternoon to pick some beetroot, I encountered a problem:

hare hiding in the beetroot

Can’t see it? Let me help:

hidden hare with arrow

I did wonder whether I could sneak in and grab a couple of beetroot without disturbing it but it took fright (I say took fright: it didn’t so much run off as saunter so it’s possible they’re aware they would have us wrapped around their little fingers, if hares had little fingers). Fortunately the hares seem fonder of sitting on beetroot than eating it, so there was plenty for the beetroot salad* I had planned for my writers’ group pot luck dinner.

Other things lurking among the veg are, frankly, a bit less welcome:


I may have to learn to love courgettes. Recipes welcome, preferably ones that don’t end ‘and you can barely taste the courgette’ as that doesn’t really fill me with a sense that it’s worth growing.

Anyway, the salad seemed to go down well and after an evening of good food and great chat, I realised with a bit of shock that it was 10 o’clock and I had better get on my bike and ride home. I do love these long light and warm summer evenings. The heatwave may have left this corner of Scotland (it rained for most of today) but we’re still getting enough warm weather to make riding at night a positive pleasure – especially when there are no cars, and the only other thing moving as I made my way home were the bats dancing above my head.

night sky
*Beetroot, feta cheese and parsley – known as ‘Barbie salad’ because of the colour the feta cheese goes

9 Responses to Lurking

  1. Charles says:

    You can put courgette in cake, it makes it moist. It has the advantage that you cannot taste it at all. Sorry to try and top trump but we had a Partridge Nesting in our border, but she got eaten by a fox and left a lovely nest with 11eggs. I did not have the heart or stomach to cook them so the dead eggs lie in silent reproach to the Fox.

  2. Ollyver says:

    Ratatouille (if you use lots of garlic, you can’t taste anything else, but that’s up to the chef). And if you get bored of ratatouille as a stew, you can turn it into delicious lasagne:

    Lamb meatballs with new potatoes, halloumi and courgettes:

    And a weird one: raw courgette + apricot compote tart, from the French Market Cookbook (see e.g.
    Lots of vegetables I’m ambivalent about taste better raw as a snack, possibly dipped in hummus or other condiments.

  3. disgruntled says:

    I’m surprised the fox hasn’t come back and eaten them. We were trumped by the other half’s aunt who had a black bear in her garden. Can’t beat that …

  4. I can eat roasted courgette till the cows come home…

  5. msnomadica says:

    2 yellow squash, 4 courgettes, 4 tomatoes, 4 boneless skinless chicken thighs – tho maybe breasts could work, but they always seem dry to me. Cover with water; season with salt, pepper and add about a quarter of a small bottle of sesame oil, then cook on medium heat until chicken is done.

    This will be a colorful aromatic dish that can be eaten alone, over rice or noodles. And it tastes like 5 times as good after sitting at least overnight in its own juices.

  6. msnomadica says:

    Oh, I am also a huge fan of breaded and fried courgettes. Not quite so healthy, but holy cow they are sooo good, both as a side and as a snack.

  7. disgruntled says:

    Thanks! Lots of options there

  8. wisob says:

    This is delicious:
    I normally do it by frying a normal onion first then adding the potatoes and stock as in the recipie and not putting in spring onions. It is delicious and freezes well.

  9. disgruntled says:

    Ah handy, thank you

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