Why is it…

…that the sheep that regularly panic whenever I cycle past – Oh my God a monster! A monster on two wheels! And it’s looking at us! Run away! Run away! – don’t turn so much as a hair* when the military jets shriek overhead at 300ft?

I’m not even wearing my scary yellow jacket any more.

* or whatever the sheep equivalent would be. Wool? Strand? Curl?

12 Responses to Why is it…

  1. huttonian says:

    I was told when first moving to the Borders that sheep used to be particularly terrified by low flying aircraft even to the extent of ‘dropping’ lambs prematurely. (and in one case, allegedly, the ewe was not even pregnant. Virgin birth or what?)

    Now they are all a bit blase

  2. Dom says:

    I suppose that with the loud jet there is nothing to run away from, the sound is all around so where do you run to? If they were intelligent they’d realise that you should just run away and the to would sort itself out, but that’s why they’re sheep and we’re not 🙂

  3. Autolycus says:

    They don’t see the plane. They see you.

  4. Do they ever do that thing where they run in front of your bike instead of into the field? Silly sheep. You do get to feel like a shepherd though!

  5. disgruntled says:

    Huttonian – blasé just about sums up these ones as well. Whereas the planes still give me a bit of a fright
    Dom – (ooh sharp haircut there BTW). I think there’s more going on separating us from sheep – loads of complicated genetic stuff, for a start, and three extra stomachs, but fair point
    Autolycus – true but they can hear the plane which must be scary even for sheep, no?
    AMP – no they’re all safely on the other side of a big stone wall from me. Which makes the running away part even sillier.

  6. Paul says:

    Sheep … one step up the country evolutionary scale from pheasants.

    Bikes … a couple steps below the Tornado (http://www.raf.mod.uk/rafleuchars/aboutus/aircraftandequipment.cfm).

  7. j says:

    Tip for when road blocked by sheep and no shepherd about – just get out of the car and whistle – the sheep will think a dog’s coming and sharply get back where they belong.
    Begs the question about Bo Peep’s IQ.

  8. Nick says:

    The explanation’s simple. Lots of natural things sheep see have wings (and make a noise), i.e. birds. So aeroplanes are merely noisy birds. Whereas sheep don’t see any animals or birds with wheels, therefore you’re unnatural and thus scary.

    Q.E.D. (and Baaaaa!)

  9. disgruntled says:

    Paul – I think that makes the bike above the tornado, in scariness terms … perhaps that’s what we’re doing wrong in Afghanistan?
    J – Or mine
    Nick – clearly you are well versed in the ways and thinking of sheep.

  10. Nick says:

    Oh I am dis, I am. Me and sheep, we’re like THAT! Maybe that’s because I once ate a sheep’s brain (it was in Paris a long time ago, and by accident, but that’s another story).

  11. j says:

    no offence intended.
    Nick – Have you started winking a lot and turning round in circles yet?

  12. Perhaps you should stop shouting “Mint sauce!” as you cycle by…

    (I’ll get my coat…)

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