Summer Comes but Once a Year

It’s just, unlike Christmas, you never know exactly when. Usually – and I stress the *usually* – we get a fine dry week towards the end of May or beginning of June when suddenly the sun comes out and we remember that we couldn’t actually live in a lovelier part of the world. However, you can’t be certain when this week will be – last year we had it in April – and this year, the weather’s been so topsy turvy we were beginning to fear we’d had it in March., so when the hailstorms finally stopped and the rain cleared and the sun came out at last on Sunday we determined to make the most of it for as long as it lasted. After all, there’s no guarantee that once it’s over we’ll see the sun again, at least before September.

Amazingly enough, due to a bit of a scheduling cock-up, instead of being flat-out busy and tied to my laptop as I was expecting to be this week, I’ve actually been more or less free to go out and enjoy myself. I did have a couple of things scheduled yesterday, but that at least gave me an excuse to cycle into town (you couldn’t *pay* me to drive in on a sunny day) and for the rest of the time we’ve been going on epic bike rides for bacon rolls (Sunday) and coffee and lemon drizzle cake (today) as well as some light garden pottering and a fair amount of just sitting on the bench in the sun drinking coffee and reading the paper and stockpiling vitamin D. You know, important stuff. Stuff that needs doing once in a while.

I’m trying not to feel too terribly guilty about all this. There are other things I should be getting on with and I am dashing in every few hours to speed read my emails and try and keep in touch with what’s going on with all the various cycling campaigns I seem to be involved in as well as working in the evenings once the sun has gone. But then again, my life was pretty frantic for the whole of April and a fair bit of May, and it will be frantic again fairly soon I have no doubt. So for now I’m going to do my best to enjoy the summer while it lasts. Which, if the last four years are anything to go by, should be just a couple more days. Especially now I’ve written this…

3 Responses to Summer Comes but Once a Year

  1. Actually I think the W-Gs must be on holiday… and long may they stay there .

  2. Please note I whispered that last bit. Really don’t want them hearing and messing up what for me too was a (fairly) guilt-free hour or two in the sun.

  3. WOL says:

    Ack! Better make an immediate libation to the W-G’s. A wee drappie in a good cause never goes amiss.

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