In Which I Solve the Problems of the Rural Economy

At the village Senior Citizens’ lunch* today we were discussing holiday destinations and the rival charms and delights of Flamingoland (no, me neither) and Diggerland. It reminded me that on my way back from my epic cycle ride on Thursday, I passed a young lad of about 11 tooling around a field on a small tractor with an expression of complete and utter contentment on his face – happier even than a dog on the back of a quad bike, which is really very happy indeed. Farming these days seems to be nothing but toil and sorrow, whether you’re digging your sheep out of ten foot snowdrifts or watching your wheat crop rot in the fields. Yet, for a small outlay in machinery and diesel, a field or two, and presumably several squillion pounds in liability insurance, ‘Tractorland’ would take in money hand over fist, from small boys and, indeed (I speak from direct experience), much larger boys too. It’s an idea whose time has surely come.

*I imagine that there are villages where this would be an event where the senior citizens are given lunch by their well-meaning juniors in order to get them out of the house, but you have to remember that this is a parish where the oldest inhabitant (a sprightly 93) regularly sweeps the board at the annual village show. So the lunch is cooked and served by the senior citizens to all comers for charity, and very good it is too.

11 Responses to In Which I Solve the Problems of the Rural Economy

  1. Lolablogger says:

    And girls! Not just boys…

  2. disgruntled says:

    yes, I was just thinking that this morning! The one time I drove a tractor I loved it even though they had to weigh the seat down as it didn’t register my weight as having someone sitting in it. Built for burly farmers…

  3. I do enjoy your writing, and your perspectives. Thank you.


  4. A young guy came with machine to sort out our field and septic tank drains, watching him was poetry in motion. The pedals and levers were simply extensions of his limbs.

  5. oftpaster says:

    Great idea! I know a few boys who would be as close to heaven as you can get on earth.

  6. disgruntled says:

    Charles – thanks!
    UHDD – watching someone who’s good at their job is always poetry in motion…
    oftpaster – and not just boys, it would seem

  7. Bill G says:

    Flamingoland was a favourite ‘go to’ place from Hartlepool when I used to run a Cub Scout Pack .. it’s in North Yorkshire. A pre-cursor to the delights of Alton Towers type places…

  8. disgruntled says:

    Were there any flamingoes?

  9. Find Your Gap says:

    Oh yes – lots and lots .. It started out as ‘Flamingo Park Zoo’ .. But the zoo bit has declined as the rides took over..

  10. Find Your Gap says:

    Sorry , that’s me BillG again … Forgot I had another account to log in with. X

  11. disgruntled says:

    I’m holding out for penguinland

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