So you Think you Can Garden?

Regular readers may have detected a certain self-satisfaction, not to say smugness, creeping into recent gardening posts of mine. Not only do I have hot and cold running hares in the garden, but we also have been having loads of tasty veg to eat (if slightly limited in variety) and the other half’s greenhouse is looking pretty spiffy too…


And then I go and visit a friend whose parents have been gardening at scale in the same spot for almost 30 years and realise that when it comes to growing veg I know nothing …

huge veg garden

For instance, do we have an ancestral grapevine in the greenhouse?

grapevine in greenhouse

Or a marvellously organised polytunnel?


Or enough strawberries to supply Wimbledon?

strawberry bed

And I don’t even like celery, but seeing this, I almost want to grow it…


This is definitely not how my fennel is looking


And why do I not have TWO compost turners (not to mention two pink wheelbarrows)?

compost turners and wheelbarrows

And while I might have rescued one bee …

bee sign and bee hives

There was more (sheep, chickens, flowerbeds, beautiful wood piles, precisely placed decorative broken pots, an actual box of useful hose parts) but I think I may have to go and have a little lie down…

row of peppers

Having put myself firmly back in the beginners’ class, I shall return home with renewed ambition and hope that by 2048 I too will be beginning to get the hand of this gardening lark.

7 Responses to So you Think you Can Garden?

  1. Just think of the spreadsheet you’d need for that little lot. So green, can’t think I’ve seen anything so green, for, well, for ever!

  2. Charles says:

    I have just triumphantly pickled my first Jalopenos, only to find that they are so hot not even my wife can eat them….next batch will be without seeds and pith, see if that helps.

    Good lord what a garden. I aim to be able to put something from the garden on the table most of the year, sometimes it’s just parsley, sometimes it’s a bit more. I love growing veg but that kind of commitment needs time and space. If their house is as tidy as their garden then I am throwing all my toys out of the prom.

  3. Wow! #gardeninggoals ❤

  4. disgruntled says:

    @UHDD – it would need its own accounting package. And yes, we’ve not really had that much of a heatwave up here
    @Charles. Um. yes. The house is immaculate
    @PetiteLouLou – I know, right?

  5. […] I’ve shown you the other half’s greenhouse, and someone else’s garden altogether, but what of my own veg gardening? Are those raised beds still proving so […]

  6. Is that not the joy of gardening and learning in general! it is a life long process which retains your attention, you grow with your garden! the garden is immaculate!

  7. […] been curious about compost tumblers ever since visiting my friend’s parents’ amazingly productive plot. It’s fair to say that our own adventures in composting haven’t really been more than […]

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